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Home/ Property/ Office Cleansing

Clear out negative stagnant energy in your home or office with a smudging session.

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 100 US dollars
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

Smudging is an ancient practice of burning sage in order to remove negative energy from a space or person. By ridding yourself and your space of negative energy you in turn invite peace, clarity and allow space for positive energy and harmony into your life and workplace. This is a beautiful practice to preform when moving into a new home or office, if you're feeling heaviness within your home or office , during/after major life changes, or the passing of a loved one. In this session Jamie will start off by getting to know you and your space and then guide you through a cleansing meditation before smudging. She will then provide a beautiful smudging using locally sourced sage, an abalone shell, a candle, and smudging feathers. The sage bundle, abalone shell, and candle are yours to keep. Reach out today to schedule your home or office cleansing!

Contact Details


Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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